There are some remedies for sleep that are over 100 years old, or some even older. Many continue to use natural remedies to treat certain diseases quickly and safely. We have prepared a list of the 10 best home remedies for a better night’s sleep.

Warm Milk – We have different combinations of warm milk with some herbs and spices:

Cinnamon: This has an endless use, of which sleep improvement. The method of preparation is simple, mixing a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a glass of warm milk. It is consumed one hour before bedtime.

Nutmeg: it has strong sedative properties, inducing sleep naturally. Prepare by adding a teaspoon of nutmeg to a cup of warm milk and eating one hour before going to bed.

Saffron is also effective because of the sedative effect, easily treating insomnia. The mode of preparation is the same as above.

Tea for sleep – tea is a natural remedy for various problems used for many years, including insomnia. Chamomile tea is ideal for such ailments. How to cook is simple, so boil a cup of water and add two or three chamomile flowers. Leave for infusion, add honey and consume an hour before bedtime.

Lettuce tea is one of the best teas, because it is a plant that reduces anxiety. It is also very delicious. Mix one teaspoon of honey in a cup of milk and drink one hour before bedtime.

Valerian and nutmeg tea are medicinal plants with relaxing effect and muscular sedation. They induce and stimulate deep relaxation in sleep. The preparation method is simple so that half a teaspoon of valerian and nutmeg mix in two cups of hot water. Allow to infuse for 15 minutes. Treatment is not recommended for more than two to three weeks.

Seeds of cumin – although cumin seeds are often used for cooking, in traditional medicine they are used to induce sleep. Mix a teaspoon of cumin powder in banana puree and consume before going to bed. If you do not have cumin powder, you can crush the seeds.

Bananas – banana consumption is very useful in the fight against insomnia, because it contains tryptophan, which helps to increase serotonin levels, allowing regular sleeping on the body. Minerals like iron, calcium and potassium that this fruit contains are great for a soothing sleep.

Hot bath – it’s good to have a hot bath about two hours before going to bed, so you’ll have a quiet sleep. For maximum efficiency, add a few drops of essential oils to warm water, such as essential oil of lemon, chamomile, rosemary or lavender.

Apple vinegar and honey – this will help you adjust your sleep also because of the amino acid content that gets rid of exhaustion. On the other hand, honey also helps to sleep as it increases insulin levels and causes the release of serotonine, a chemical in the brain that helps regulate sleep cycles. The method of preparation is to amble two tablespoons of apple and honey vinegar in a cup of warm water. It is consumed one hour before sleep.

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