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Here’s how to sleep according to your age – What problems can you have due to lack of sleep?

Here’s how to sleep according to your age – What problems can you have due to lack of sleep?

The importance of rest for our health is known to everyone. We all know that we need to rest in order to be efficient and to carry out our tasks without any problems. Sleep is even more important for people with chronic conditions. One thing we should know is the recommended number of hours of […]

The scent of sleep

The scent of sleep

Is bedtime a troubled time for you? You are sleepy, tired…but the moment you lie down, the ZZZsss bid goodbye? Sleep is the first casualty of everyday stress, but help is only a sniff away. We are talking about essential oils. “Once applied to the skin, essential oils are absorbed in the bloodstream within 3 […]

Acupuncture points related to relieving insomnia and sleep problems

Acupuncture points related to relieving insomnia and sleep problems

With so many Americans who suffer from insomnia, would not it be great if you could press a button and fall instantly? According to, applying pressure on key points can help improve sleep quality and drive insomnia. The Chinese have used this practice for centuries and freely share the technique with those who want […]

Drink a quarter of a spoonful of this spice and you will fall asleep more easily, solving problems during sleep

Drink a quarter of a spoonful of this spice and you will fall asleep more easily, solving problems during sleep

Millions of people experience difficulty sleeping each night or suffer from insomnia. It’s far from being an easy task to fight regularly to fall asleep and sleep deprivation has bad health consequences. Insomnia is extremely frustrating and debilitating, and affects every aspect of life. Insomnia can be the result of certain biological factors, unhealthy sleep […]