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Whether it’s a few sleepless nights from time to time or long-term insomnia, millions of people are tired. Test how much you know about how to get a good night’s sleep — and what to do when you can’t — in our insomnia quiz.

True or false: Insomniacs have difficulty staying asleep, not just falling asleep.
True. When you experience insomnia, you might wake up frequently in addition to experiencing difficulty falling asleep.


2. How many hours of sleep does an adult need every night?

8.5 to 9.5
7 to 9
While individual needs vary, 7 to 9 hours of sleep is considered the ideal range for adults.
5 to 7
3. Roughly how many American adults suffer symptoms of insomnia?

about 30 to 40 percent
The American Academy of Sleep estimates about 30 to 40 percent of adults suffer symptoms of insomnia annually.
about 10 to 20 percent
fewer than 10 percent
4. How many Americans admit they’ve fallen asleep while driving?

1 percent
3 percent
5 percent
About 5 percent of adults admit they’ve fallen asleep behind the wheel at least once in the last 30 days.
5. Which pair are effects of insomnia?

daytime sleepiness and low energy
headaches and upset stomach
both of the above
All of these problems are caused by insomnia, as well as moodiness, difficulty thinking and having a short temper.
6. Which of these may cause insomnia?

jet lag
All of these may cause insomnia.
All of these could be culprits for someone experiencing insomnia.

7. True or false: Certain antidepressants may cause insomnia.

True. Well, sort of. Insomnia caused by depression might not respond well to SSRI (selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors) antidepressants.
8. Which prescription medication is known to cause insomnia in some people?

ACE inhibitors
alpha and beta blockers
all of these
All of these prescription medications are known to cause insomnia in some patients.
9. Which hormone regulates the body’s sleep-wake cycle?
Your body counts on melatonin to keep your sleep-wake cycle regular.

What chronic health conditions are insomniacs at higher risk for?
type 2 diabetes
cardiovascular diseases
all of the above
Getting too little sleep is associated with several chronic diseases including depression, type 2 diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.
11. True or false: Insomnia is never more than a short-term problem.

False. Insomnia may be short-term (acute) but it may also last just a few days at a time (transient) or long-term (chronic).
12. How many adults have chronic insomnia?
about 30 percent
about 10 to 15 percent
According to the National Center for Sleep Disorders Research, about 10 to 15 percent of adults suffer chronic insomnia.
fewer than 5 percent
13.  Which environmental factors may contribute to insomnia?

too much light at night
not enough light during the day
temperatures that are too hot or too cold
All of these may disturb sleep.
All of these conditions may cause sleep problems.

14. True or false: Eating a large meal before bed will help you sleep.
False. Eating a large meal within 2 to 3 hours of your bedtime may aggravate sleep disorders.

15. What is sleep hygiene?
your sleep habits
Sleep hygiene describes your sleep habits.

how often you wash your sheets

showering before bed

16. Which 19th-century novelist and insomnia-sufferer walked in circles until she fell asleep?
Jane Austen

Charlotte Brontë

Emily Brontë
Emily Brontë is said to have suffered from chronic insomnia.

George Eliot

17. Who among these groups is at the highest risk for developing insomnia?
Women are at a high risk for developing insomnia.


18. Which pre-bedtime activity may help ease insomnia symptoms?


lying in bed, waiting to sleep

having a nightcap

relaxation techniques
Relaxation techniques, such as meditation or a warm bath, may make it easier to fall — and stay — asleep.

19. True or false: Sleeping pills may actually worsen insomnia symptoms.
True. While sleeping pills may help in the short term, long term usage may actually worsen insomnia symptoms.


20. Which over-the-counter supplement may help relieve insomnia?
both valerian and melatonin
Both valerian and melatonin may help ease the symptoms of insomnia, but their efficacy and safety isn’t proven.


Click Here to learn how to Cure Snoring and Sleep Apnea

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