Many of us have not a bigger pleasure in life than to sleep. Într-adevăr, somnul este o necesitate naturală datorită căreia ne recharge our batteries for the next day.
Some people sleep mainly on the right side. Some others – on the left side, while others on their back or on their belly. Usually we don’t pay attention to the way we sleep! But the doctors recommend sleeping only on one side: on the left side of the body.

Thus Dr. John Douillard state that sleeping on the left side brings a lots of benefits to our health.

Here they are:
1. Digestion of food during night is easier
2. Gravity pressure on the stomach is eliminated
3. Gravity pressure on the liver is eliminated
4. The function of the lymphatic system is accelerating, so toxins are removed from the body more quickly
5. Increases the speed of operation of the intestines (both the large intestine and the small intestine)
6. Due to sleep on the left side of the body, the aorta is supported. This facilitates blood circulation through the body and facilitates cardiac function, so the organs feed better from blood and become more resistant to diseases and disorders.

Indeed, it would seem that it does not matter on which part of your body do your sleeping, but as you can see, sleeping on the left side is the most beneficial for health.

Do you ever toss and turn in bed trying to determine which position would be best for you to sleep in? Some people have already determined the answer to that question, but for many, doubt seeps back in every time they have trouble falling asleep. Will you feel more rested on your back? Would lying on your stomach be better? As it turns out, not only do experts say you should stick to your side, but they even recommend a specific one at that.

Dr. John Douillard turns to ayurveda, an alternative form of medicine from India, to explain how sleeping on your left side may be the ideal way to give your body the rest it needs. Here’s a few reasons why this side is seemingly the best one for the job.

1. Spine and breathing
Joint Essential explains that unless you take specific measures to ensure proper positioning in bed, you should stick to your side, as it is the least naturally harmful for the spine. Sleeping on your back puts too much pressure on the upper back and hips, and leaves your lower back in a suspended state that is harmful in the long run. Likewise, sleeping on your stomach strains both your lower back and your neck. WebMD adds that sleeping on your side is the best at providing optimal air flow to the lungs.

2. Digestion
The way your intestines travel across your stomach, food waste will be processed faster if you sleep on your left side, Douillard writes on LifeSpa. In that position, food will travel more swiftly from your small intestine to your large intestine, then into the descending colon. It is even recommended to take 10-minute rests lying on your left side after eating to help your meal be better digested and to recover from the dreaded “food coma” quicker.

3. Lymph draining
The majority of the lymphatic system is present on the left side of your body, Douillard explains, and when lymphatic congestion occurs, it is frequently on the left-hand side. So when you sleep on your left side, you’re allowing gravity to take some of the pressure of lymph drainage away from your heart and your spleen, both of which are also located on the left side of your body.

These tidbits all point to the left side as the clear winner in the competition — but Dr. Steven Park, sleep professional, tells WebMD that trying to forcefully change the position you sleep in could actually make things worse, as you’ll be breaking your sleeping habits. However, if you struggle with finding a position in the first place, give it a try and let us know how you feel in the comments section later!

Make sure to share this valuable information with your sleep-deprived friends!

Try to sleep as often as possible on this side of the body.

We wish you All the Best!


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