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What Is Sleep Apnea?

Because many people experience snoring at some point in their lives, certain medical conditions that involve snoring can go unnoticed. Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that involves choking, paused breathing, or shallow breaths during sleep. Because this condition can mimic normal snoring, it often remains undiagnosed. An apnea is a period during which […]

Here’s how to sleep according to your age – What problems can you have due to lack of sleep?

Here’s how to sleep according to your age – What problems can you have due to lack of sleep?

The importance of rest for our health is known to everyone. We all know that we need to rest in order to be efficient and to carry out our tasks without any problems. Sleep is even more important for people with chronic conditions. One thing we should know is the recommended number of hours of […]

Effects of Sleep Apnea

Effects of Sleep Apnea

Many individuals suffer from sleep apnea, a disorder involving paused, irregular, and labored breathing and snoring. If this condition goes untreated, it can create long-term side effects and associated medical risks. Obstructive sleep apnea, which involves improper relaxation of the throat muscles, causes repeated episodes of partial or complete blockage of the upper airway while […]

Learn the perfect sleep position, depending on the affections that make you angry

Because of stress, cell phones, TV, work and children, it’s normal for you to experience sleep problems sometimes, but it’s important to keep in mind that you have to have both a quantitative and a qualitative sleep good to prevent the emergence or worsening of health problems. If you have memory problems, you want to […]