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Is Sleep Apnea Treatable?

Is Sleep Apnea Treatable?

Very often, when our partner snores, we do not pay attention to it. But in many cases, severe snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea. What is sleep apnea? This is a disorder of breathing during sleep. Breathing stops for a short time, pauses are about 10-20 seconds, and  it can occur up to hundreds of times during sleep. As a result,there is a disorder […]

Terrifying experiment in USSR laboratories! Lack of sleep has transformed people into monsters

In 1940, a laboratory in the USSR experienced a terrifying experience. The results were disastrous and were therefore kept away from the press. Five people were locked in a room filled with gas that prevents sleep. For five days, the subjects were calm, held various conversations, told, ate, had normal behavior. Five days later, things […]